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6 Ways for Your Little Ones to Stay Active Indoors

How to get your kids off their screens when the weather won’t play ball

There’s nothing worse than planning a day out only for the rain to put a stop to all your plans. Luckily there are plenty of ways your kids can burn off energy indoors without turning your house upside down.

It’s important that all children aged 1-5 years spend at least 3 hours a day being physically active1. The NHS is very clear that watching TV, being strapped into a buggy or travelling by car, bus or train for long periods is not good for their health and development1. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are our 6 top picks for staying active indoors.


Messy play

You don’t need special equipment to create really engaging table-top activities. Place two large containers on the table (washing up bowls are ideal), one filled with water and one empty. Your little one will love using bath toys to move water from one bowl to the other. Or how about filling a wide container with water and cornflour. Kids love squidging the gloopy mixture between their fingers.


Party games

Why keep them just for parties? There’s lots of indoor fun to be had chasing bubbles or playing Grandmother’s Footsteps. Musical chairs and musical statues are always a hit, even if it’s just you and your child.


Be an animal

Encourage your little one to unleash their inner creature – bouncing like a kangaroo, pouncing like a tiger, jumping like a frog. They’ll love making the animal sounds too. You could even go the whole hog with face paints.


Hide and seek

Little ones don’t need a big area for this. In fact, a small area is better so they can find you more easily. Reverse roles so they can hide too. Encourage them to leap out to surprise you.



Ok, it might seems obvious but it’s brilliant exercise and a great way for your little one to burn off some energy. It’s a lovely experience to share and great for bonding. If you don’t enjoy swimming, you could sign them up for a regular toddler session at your local pool.

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Get the party gear on, put on their favourite music and have your very own Strictly session. It’s a good workout for mums and dads too!

We’d love to know how you keep your little ones active at home. Share your favourite indoor activities with us on social.


  1. NHS 2019, Physical activity guidelines for children (under 5 years), https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/physical-activity-guidelines-children-under-five-years/#physical-activity-ideas-for-children-under-5, December 2021.

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