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Strong Immune System for your kids with Pediasure Shake

Why is a strong immune system important?

Whether we like it or not, colds and coughs are part of growing up.

When the kids go back to school or the cold weather arrives, the inevitable sneezes and snuffles arrive too. Of course, colds can strike at any time of year. Perhaps your child has been overdoing it or is feeling run down. Maybe they struggled to shake off the last lurgy. There are hundreds of cold viruses out there and it is normal for children to have at least 8 or more a year.1

Your child’s immune system is their first line of defence against infection. The stronger it is, the better it can deal with colds and coughs.

Of course, you can’t expect your child to avoid colds altogether. But, you can help keep them strong and healthy by ensuring they have the nutrients they need to fight those nasty bugs and bounce back to health.

PaediaSure Shake is here to help support your child’s immunity. It is packed with essential nutrients including vitamin D to support their immune system and help get them get back on track after they’ve been poorly. 

How to beat colds and bounce back to health

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Mix it up

The more food types and varieties your child eats the better as they all contain different vitamins and minerals to help keep them strong and healthy.

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Listen to your child

If they have a cold but don’t want to be in bed, they probably don’t need to be. They may be happier snuggled on the sofa with a blanket.2

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Drink lots of fluids

It’s important to keep your child hydrated when they have a cold. Try to avoid sugary drinks.2

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Don’t force them to eat

When children are poorly they may lose their appetite. Don’t worry about feeding them for the first day or so.2 After that, try tempting them with little bits of food and a nutritious drink such as milk or their favourite PaediaSure Shake.

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Wash hands

Keep bugs at bay by encouraging your child (and everyone in your household) to wash their hands regularly and thoroughly. Remember to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice while you rub in the soap. 3


Contains vitamin D which supports normal function of the immune system in children


  1.        NHS, 2018. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/coughs-colds-ear-infections/ Accessed 31st May 2022.
  2.       NHS, 2018. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/looking-after-sick-child/ Accessed 31st May 2022.
  3.       NHS 2019. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-body/best-way-to-wash-your-hands/ Accessed 31st May 2022.

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