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FREE fussy Eater Weekly Meal Planner


Tired of battling with your fussy eater? We’re here to help you call a truce. Step back, take a deep breath and start afresh with our handy downloadable Weekly Meal Planner. Created just for you, it’s full of top nutrition tips, recipe ideas and more to help get your little angel back on track.

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Working with your child is a good way to make positive steps together.

Stick our Meal Planner on the fridge and use it as the basis for your weekly menu planning. Jot down ideas as you think of them and get your child involved so they feel a sense of ownership.


Write a shopping list together.

Our Meal Planner has a section for your weekly shopping list. So, why not create it together? If your little clever clogs can write, even better! Make it their job. Talk about the foods you like and let them talk about their choices. Perhaps you could decide on a new food you both want to try.


Unpack the shopping together.

Turn a chore into an activity! Encourage your child to handle fresh items such as herbs, fruit and veg. What do they smell like? What could you make with them? Refer back to the shopping list you made together. Put your little helper in charge of ticking off the items as they come out of the bag.


Make healthy recipes together.

It’s fun, it’s messy and the results taste delicious. What’s not to love? Cooking or baking with your child is a really positive way to spend time together. There are lots of recipe suggestions on the Meal Planner. For little chefs, how about starting off with a simple healthy snack such as our No-Bake Energy Bites enriched with PaediaSure Shake? They’ll love rolling up the balls!


Put your little bossy boots in charge.

Kids love responsibility. Ask them to be in charge of laying the table or fetching the tablecloth. You could even make a badge so they feel that they are an important part of the mealtime process. Your little helper could clear the table afterwards, too!

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Don’t make food the focus.

The important thing is to make mealtimes enjoyable. If your child doesn’t eat very much, try not to make a big deal about it. Chatting about everyday things will help to distract you both from any potential stress that mealtimes can cause.1


And finally, keep calm and carry on!

Pull the strands of spaghetti out of your hair and try to approach the next meal positively. It’s a good idea to make a list of all the food your child does eat over a week and then review it. Make notes on your Meal Planner to remind you of the successes. If your child has eaten foods from each of the food groups then you don’t need to worry1.

Check out more top tips for your fussy eater:

Click here



1NHS https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/weaning-and-feeding/fussy-eaters/  Accessed 4th Dec 2020.

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