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Tips to Support your fussy Eating Child

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The first thing to say is that you are not alone. Fussy eating is very common; research shows that up to 60% of children have fussy eating issues. It can take the form of:

  • refusing to eat certain foods
  • a lack of interest in all food
  • eating particularly slowly.1

If you recognise any or all of those behaviours then you know how stressful mealtimes can be. If more food seems to end up on the floor than in their tummy, it’s natural to be concerned that your child might be missing out on important nutrients.

The good news is that most children will grow out of this phase and they will eventually start to accept a wider range of foods.2 Pancake toppings are a great way to introduce your child to new flavours.

Find out more

PaediaSure Shake is here to provide peace of mind that your fussy eater is getting the essential nutrients they need to grow*, while you work towards healthy, happy mealtimes.

5 top tips for fuss-free mealtimes


Small is the way forward

Start with giving your child something small to try, like a single pea. Then try to increase the amount very slightly each time you offer it to them until they’re eating the correct portion size for their age.

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Keep it low key

When you give your child something new to eat be casual about it, as if it’s nothing important. If they don’t try it, keep your cool and don’t react. Children pick up on our moods and will quickly associate that food with negative emotions.

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Slow wins the race

Take your time there’s no rush. Don’t bombard your child with lots of new flavours at once. Slowly introduce them over time and add the occasional new food to a meal they like.

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Keep a chart

Kids love filling in charts and putting stickers on things. Every time they try a new food, reward them by giving them a new sticker or letting them colour in a new vegetable on their taste chart.

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Learning from others

Children tend to copy their friends. If your child has a friend who’s a more adventurous eater, invite them around for tea. Your child will be more likely to try a new food if they see a friend eat it. Your child will also likely pick up signals from your own eating habits. Modelling your healthy and relaxed relationship with food teaches your kids that its safe and enjoyable to eat different types of food.


95% of mums recommend^.

Parents and children recommend PaediaSure Shake for its delicious flavour, ability to incorporate it into yummy recipes, and the 27 vitamins and minerals that support your child healthy growth and immunity.


“Daisy barely eats anything. I was worried. A friend suggested PaediaSure Shake. I wasn’t sure she’d even try it but she loves it! I buy the ready-to-drink bottles. Now I don’t feel so stressed because I know she isn’t missing out on nutrition. Her appetite has improved, too. Happy days!”

Michelle & Daisy

^Survey of 84 respondents of whom 95% would recommend to a friend or family member. Source: PaediaSure Shake, Verve, February 2021. Accessed: August 2021

*Contains essential fatty acids which are needed for normal growth and development of children. This beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 2 g of α-linolenic (ALA) and 10 g of linoleic acid (LA).



1. Leal LO et al. Open Nutr J 2012;6:123-130. Accessed: June 2022

2. Great Ormond Street https://www.gosh.nhs.uk/conditions-and-treatments/general-health-advice/food-and-diet/fussy-eaters/ Accessed 31st May 2022

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