Fussy eater chats with a group of mums, their children and a cup of coffee

Up to a whopping 60% of children have fussy eating issue1 so why aren't we talking about it more?

We invited a group of mums and their fussy eaters to an intimate armchair chat to talk openly and honestly about fussy eating by sharing, listening and learning because nothing can compare to the feeling of being part of a community of people who truly understand your experience

One mother to another

Hear from parents who understand...

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Do you have a similar experience? We invite you to continue the conversation and join our community of supportive parents for more insight, tips, tricks and a little more peace of mind.


Top tips for fussy eaters

We know how stressful mealtimes can be especially if more food seems to end up on the floor than in their tummy. Why not try some of this bite-size tips tp help you while you work towards healthy, happy mealtimes.


Small is the way forward

Start with giving your child something small to try, like a single pea. Then try to increase the amount very slightly each time you offer it to them until they’re eating the correct portion size for their age.

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Keep it low key

When you give your child something new to eat be casual about it, as if it’s nothing important. If they don’t try it, keep your cool and don’t react. Children pick up on our moods and will quickly associate that food with negative emotions.

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Slow wins the race

Take your time there’s no rush. Don’t bombard your child with lots of new flavours at once. Slowly introduce them over time and add the occasional new food to a meal they like.

Want to make mealtimes fun?


We have a great library of resources you can tap into, to help bring a little more joy back to the dinner table including fuss-free recipes to cook with the kids, taste charts, and much more.


Fussy eater meal planner

Tired of battling with your fussy eater? Start afresh with our handy downloadable Weekly Meal Planner .

Learn more

Fussy eater taste chart

Put your fussy eater in control of their new food adventures with our taste chart.

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Fuss-free recipes

Check out these enriched and super tasty recipe ideas to tempt even the fussiest eater.

Learn more

Watch more of the conversation





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